2100+ hero's journey stages not unreasonable
How is the 2100+ stage different from earlier versions?
There are a lot of stages. Does every story require you to implement every stage?
Is this software or PDF files?
Is the 2100+ a book? Or a set of worksheets? What is it exactly?
What's the difference between basic worksheets (that come with the 2100+ stage) and the advanced worksheets?
Does the 2100+ include examples from modern film?
Do I get "detailed deconstructions of hundreds of successful stories?"
Why so many stages?
Precise story arc
Does this pattern apply to EVERY story?
Why can't I just write whatever I like?
Ask a question, speaking, teaching Engagements etc
Can I teach your material in classrooms?
Are you telling us what to write?
Is there a difference between a hero and a heroine?
Does the pattern apply to [insert genre or type here]?
I don't like the idea of a hero or heroine
Is there always a journey?
Some stories take place in a few rooms (e.g. sitcoms)
Is there always transformation?
Do all stories arc?
Is there always a new world / state?
Is it really a process? Why do you view story as a process?
Shouldn't I "write, just write."
Is there really only one story?
I've heard that there are seven basic stories or ten movie plots etc...
Does the pattern apply to ensemble movies?
Not all stories can be hero's journeys as not all stories are myths / writing non-myth related stories
It seems a too structured approach - not very creative
I don't like using roadmaps or outlines / should I outline?
How often do you update the deconstructions on your website and youtube channel?
Do movies always end with a state of perfection?
Not all stories start with a state of perfection!
You cannot loop stories - it just doesn't work
Can I change the pattern? Does the pattern evolve?
How can I be original if I have to conform to a structure?
You say Shakespeare and Dickens used this pattern, hundreds of years ago?
This pattern applies to fantasy type stories, like Star Wars, right?
This pattern applies to quest type stories, right?
What's my biggest obstacle to understanding story structure and writing a successful screenplay or novel?
Just because many stories fit this pattern doesn't mean every story does
I'm shocked to see that concept X isn't mentioned here!
Why this pattern?
What do you mean by story law? Why do I have to jump through hoops?
How does this apply to a series or TV episodes?
How does this apply to sitcoms?
Is this a formula?
I disagree that this framework applies to EVERY story!
You speak too fast in your videos / I don't understand terms and references
I don't like the cookie cutter approach
Does this apply to short stories?
Can I write screenplays through stream of consciousness?
It discourages originality
Same structure = same, boring stories
3/4/5/8/9/22 etc ACTS / sequences / beats etc
I heard you only need two Acts, not three
Why must every story be a hero's journey?
What Is hero's journey?
Start with a theme?

What about subplots?
Why is one hero so special anyway?
The hero is always a dude
It's cheesy as hell
A lot of myths are shoehorned into the Hero's Journey
It confuses personal growth with solving problems
The hero's journey is a Hollywood construct
Conclusion to criticisms


2100+ hero's journey stages not unreasonable

2100+ hero's journey stages are perfectly reasonable once put into context; think in terms of 100 major stages, each with an average of 20 sub-stages, which give you a range of implementation options. This may require a little more homework but you acquire robust knowledge. Please watch the video:


How is the 2100+ stage different from earlier versions?

The 2100+ is a much more detailed pull through the process. There is much more definition and a greater range of sub-stages, which allow you to better navigate through the cycle. There's also a separation into five acts, so that's roughly 5 x 22page sections, which more easily helps you write the whole screenplay/novel/play, with a lot of detail as to what goes into Act I, II, and III. (The 2000+, the 510+, the 188+ and previous versions have all been retired).


There are a lot of stages. Does every story require you to implement every stage?

No. You have a very large set of options allowing you to choose how to execute. However, there are very common sets of milestones and you are advised to get your head around those.


Is this software or PDF files?

All materials are pdf files.


Is the 2100+ a book? Or a set of worksheets? What is it exactly?

The main item in the 2100+ stage journey/transformation/new world package is a pdf book. Within this: an introduction and introductory concepts (85 pages), Act 0 Backstory (55 pages), Act 1 (116 pages), Act 2a (88 pages), Act 2b (87 pages), Act 2c (54 pages), Act 3 (73 pages). With contents pages, chapter headings and other material, the total page count reaches 577 (remember, the page count itself is unimportant; what matters is explaining the story cycle in its entirety, which just happens to take up this many pages).

The package also includes pdf files with the above Acts stripped down into basic worksheets, in list form. So, for example, there's an Act I pdf file, with each major stage on a page and underneath that, each sub-stage, in list form. These sheets are easier to print out and make notes on - but do require constant referencing back to the main book. These basic worksheets are free/complementary add-ons which help to make the macro/micro stages in the main book easier to see as collections. It's useful to see all the stages as collections - see this question.


Does the 2100+ include examples from modern film?

Absolutely. Nearly every point is reinforced with an example from modern film.

Do I get "detailed deconstructions of hundreds of successful stories?"

One customer thought that the following phrase,

"Our detailed deconstruction of hundreds of successful stories and hollywood blockbusters has revealed more than 2100 stages of the hero's journey that you need to know about..."

meant that he was receiving the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State AND the detailed deconstruction of hundreds of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters.

Not at all. We have developed the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State as a RESULT of the deconstruction of hundreds of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters and many other investigations. You are purchasing the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State ONLY and not the detailed deconstruction of hundreds of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters.

Detailed deconstructions, advanced worksheets and all other work etc are separate and distinct purchases.


Why so many stages?

When you take into account the vast range of story (say, all the Academy Award Best Films, novels, plays, the worlds being traversed, archetypes etc), then the sum adds up quickly. There are lots of macro stages each with their sub-stages and micro-stages giving you options to implement (for example, in the Ordinary World, there is Repression, Protection, Fear of Exit etc, just the journey to the First Threshold involves Foreboding Symbolism, No Turning Back, Bigger Wider World etc). We're trying to show you the complete spectrum. By understanding the spectrum at each stage, you can wisely choose how to implement (construct sequences). You need to understand what needs to be communicated before you can begin communicating.


What's the difference between basic worksheets (that come with the 2100+ stage) and the advanced worksheets?

The basic worksheets which come with the 2100+ are lists of the macro/micro stages discussed in the main book. See this question.

The advanced worksheets and custom / bespoke deconstructions are each separate and distinct purchases. They look at the story cycle from a particular perspective (for example, belonging or belief). They break down individual stories in a very, very detailed and useful way. Consult us before ordering one of these, so we can suggest perspectives which best apply to your story. Each of these requires that you first purchase, read and understand the concepts within the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State.


Precise story arc

In hollywood screenwriting and bestselling fiction novels, the story arc is implemented with a very high degree of consistency. You move from the initial state to the target state by progressing very precisely through a series of physical locations where a set of specific functions are performed. In other words, the movement and change is not random, it is rolled out in a certain way. If this is your field, you must understand this process .


Does this pattern apply to EVERY story?

Yes. For various reasons rooted in physical and psychological laws, it must apply to every story. This is what a story IS (see Story Law). It certainly applies to every successful hollywood movie and bestselling fiction novel. For most experienced writers and storytellers, it's just common sense. It is not unreasonable to say that you will fail until you come around to this way of thinking.

If you must try to prove it wrong, then please don't produce some obscure fifteenth century poem. Stick to successful films and take our Open Challenge.


Why can't I just write whatever I like?

You can write whatever you like from a situational point-of-view. You create your original thought, underlying ideas, arguments, points of view, worlds, characters and everything else. You can explore your wild imagination within the boundaries of the structure, just like you would explore your wild imagination within the boundaries of three acts.

What we're trying to show you is that successful stories are structured a certain way. They perform functions in a certain order. Which helps you build your story and attract an audience.


Ask a question, speaking, teaching engagements etc


We'll answer within 72 hours (usually much sooner).


Can I teach your material in classrooms?

You need an Educator License. See EDUCATOR.html


Are you telling us what to write?

We're not telling you, we're helping you. We're guiding you through the process that defines all successful stories, we're guiding you through a range of functions and an order of execution that defines all successful stories. The content is totally up to you. For example, when we say that you have to enter a New World or a New State - the nature of that world or state is your choice.


Is there a difference between a hero and a heroine?

See Heroine's Journey.


Does the pattern apply to [insert genre or type here]?

For example: Does The Pattern Apply To Tragedy?

Genres and type are situational considerations layered above the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey / Transformation / New World. Tragedy, comedy, romance etc are situational considerations (for example, "in my story, people die and lose everything"). No matter what the genre or type of Academy Award Best Film, the underlying process is always the same.


I don't like the idea of a hero or heroine

Misconceptions abound, for example, that a hero/ine is some type of altruistic alpha person who strides forth confidently, brushes obstacles aside etc... .

The words are loaded - forget the loading, just look at a hero/ine as a focal point.

Or take out "hero" and "heroine" altogether and use "protagonist," "main character," "lead" etc. Each of these terms can mean different things, but you get the point - it's not about the "hero." Call it "character journey" if you like. There are other aspects to consider - see the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey / Transformation / New World.


Is there always a journey?


Journey is the movement from the beginning to the end.

You're probably thinking of journey as "travel through geography," which is physical journey and is the outer representation of the psychological journey.

The most successful stories demonstrate clear journey - clear physical movement, which mirrors clear psychological movement.


Some stories take place in a few rooms (e.g. sitcoms)

Physical journey is the outer representation of the psychological journey.

In these instances, there is physical movement within a location (say a restaurant) and each movement is mirrored by a function, which pushes the psychological journey.

The same principles apply. We're just using parts of the location and camera angles as substitutes for geographic movement.


Is there always transformation?

If nothing changed, you wouldn't have a story.

Transformation IS story. That's what you're doing. You are trying to get your archetypes into a position where they are able to resolve their problems, arc through ideas etc. You're moving them from an Ordinary Self to a New Self and beyond to a Mature Self.

In the beginning, archetypes are not ready - they have to go forward and learn, grow, mature, gain capacities etc until they are able to confront and overcome. You have to move them from a position of Unreadiness to Readyness (which is just one type of arc). All Academy Award winning stories involve transformation.

You can also look at it from the point of view of theme, where you may start the character at one position and reverse him (or her) to the other side, or test a hypothesis. You can extend this using "letting go," where after reversal, you may "choose" and one side may experience "death." More on THEME here.

Transformation is viewed through various lenses. Here is a VERY BASIC visual of some of the process:

More on the Third Act here.

If you can't detect transformation in a film or story then you just haven't seen it. Custom deconstructions for a specific film or to look through another lens. Understanding transformation is critical.


Do all stories arc?

Yes. All stories involve transformation and arc represents this change.

Successful stories contain multiple arcs. For example, the limitation arc, the romantic challenge arc, the synergy arc, the capacities arc, the world arc and so on.


Is there always a new world / state?

Yes. The physical new world is a manifestation of the psychological new state and vice versa. It's related to theme and arcs and is as fundamental as transformation and journey, all of which are intertwined.

The visual below shows a basic link between these concepts:


Is it really a process? Why do you view story as a process?

First, lets separate out the writing process and the story structure process.

You already engage in creativity management techniques which help your writing process. For example, you may write a certain number of pages a day, you may roadmap your story beforehand or you may use some form of brainstorming technique when you have a problem (at its simplest, posting the problem on a social network).

With regard to story structure, think of it as an evolutionary process - where you start at a beginning state and end at a target state. You get to the target state by performing specific functions in specific order.


Shouldn't I "write, just write."

You can. But at some stage you'll need to think about order and that's when getting your head around story structure helps. Also see Should I Outline.


Is there really only one story?

Yes. It may sound counter-intuitive, but it's true. At root, you're always using the same process to do the same thing. Just look at what's going on under the hood of all the Academy Award Winner Best Films.


I've heard that there are seven basic stories or ten movie plots etc...

These are not root process. They are situational considerations and are usually better classified as drivers.

Using man vs. machine as an example (other classifications include rags to riches, tragedy etc):

The root process is the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey / Transformation / New World which guides you from a classic beginning (State of Perfection) through the State of Imperfection and back to the classic ending (State of Perfection). You have to go through new worlds, detach, gain capacities, transform etc. Also see story law.

The man vs. machine is the driver and situation - the State of Imperfection is caused by machines taking over the world etc thus resulting in, for example, the Matrix (1999). The State of Perfection is returned to by containing those machines. In order to do so, the hero/ine must go through the process of going through new worlds, detach, gain capacities etc.

You will see that multiple classifications often apply (indicating that these are not root process). For example, the Matrix (1999) is also a type of rags to riches story (Neo evolves from lowly employee to a leader of the resistance and a God-like superman).

See denominators / principles / lenses or advanced plots.


Does the pattern apply to ensemble movies?

Yes. In this case, the functions may be distributed amongst the various archetypes. Please watch the video:



Not all stories can be hero's journey as not all stories are myths / non-myth related stories

The myth link is only a small part of the greater picture. Think of hero's journey as a process and series of functions. Whatever type of story you write, you'll be applying this process and these functions in a certain order. You need to get your head around the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey / Transformation / New World structure to understand this.


It seems a too structured approach - not very creative

This is similar to the I Don't Like Roadmaps Or Outlines question. Structure doesn't inhibit creativity, it fosters, triggers, enables and enhances it. Structure in no way whatsoever inhibits originality, it actually shows you how to roll out your original ideas.

Please watch the video:



I don't like using roadmaps or outlines / should I outline?

Some people prefer to generate ideas from a blank slate and then use the structural roadmap to extrapolate and shape those ideas into an effective story. Others use the structural roadmap to help generate ideas and roll them out. Whichever route you choose, at some point you'll need to order things, successful storytelling involves a lot of precision, arranging the puzzle pieces, getting your ducks in a row. A structural roadmap will help you ask the right questions in the right order (and therefore generate the right sorts of ideas in a useful order). Roadmaps and outlines are obvious once you appreciate just how much influence structure has on your story.

This is similar to the Too Structured, Not Very Creative question. Also see Advanced Worksheets and Custom Services. Watch the youtube videos and see how they all follow the same outline.


How often do you update the deconstructions on your website and youtube channel?

The deconstructions on the website and youtube channel are quite basic. If you want an advanced, usable deconstruction that benefits from the latest insights then place an order at CustomServices.html#deconstructions. It will be a very direct guide/roadmap to the kind of story you're writing. It's well worth it.


Do movies always end with a state of perfection?

For a number of reasons, "State of Perfection" is the correct term. When the classic story cycle is absolutely completed, the State of Perfection is always returned to. You can also think of it as Paradise > Paradise Lost > Paradise. These terms represent the opening and closing of arcs (I go into this a little bit in some of the youtube videos).

It's important to note that whatever the outcome, the process around the cycle is always the same.


Not all stories start with a state of perfection!

The linear beginning is always a State of Perfection. But your story may start further along, once a State of Imperfection has been established (in other words, the damage shows, the problems manifest etc). The linear beginning (State of Perfection) may or may not be referenced. For example, Kramer vs Kramer (Academy Award Winner Best Film 1979) starts with an unhappy Joanne, but she was happy during the first two years of the marriage (referenced in the court sequence) and she is trying to rediscover something that she lost.

These are backstory issues.


You cannot loop stories - it just doesn't work

All stories loop from perfection and then back to it (though it may not seem so if you section it in a particular way or do not make certain aspects explicit).

However, you don't loop back to the same beginning/State of Perfection, you loop back to a new beginning/State of Perfection.


Can I change the pattern? Does the pattern evolve?

You can experiment and see if the story works without some of the parts (milesteones, major stages etc). It's likely the story will be stronger if you apply the pattern. The pattern evolves in terms of options for showing and communicating, not root functions.


How can I be original if I have to conform to a structure?

Originality derives from your unique situation, characters, arguments, ideas, dialogue etc. Structure helps you roll it all out into a coherent story.


You say Shakespeare and Dickens used this pattern, hundreds of years ago?

Every successful writer MUST follow certain rules that are to do with what story IS and story law.

If writers are unaware of the pattern, their subconscious trial and error with the craft will eventually result in them performing the functions in the correct order (it just takes much longer and more mistakes are made). Shakespeare and Dickens were aware of the pattern through other labels. Try and understand why we think this way.


This pattern applies to fantasy type stories, like Star Wars, right?

If you view our youtube channel, you'll see that it applies to all story types. If you place an order on our advanced worksheets or custom services page, we'll show you how it applies directly to whatever you wish to write.


This pattern applies to quest type stories, right?

All stories are quests. You're always searching for something. The outer tangible (for example, the Golden Fleece) is simply the outer physical representation of the inner psychological quest. If you place an order on our advanced worksheets or custom services page, we'll show you how it applies directly to whatever you wish to write.


What's my biggest obstacle to understanding story structure and writing a successful screenplay, novel, play?

Your own story prejudices and incorrect preconceived ideas which you won't let go of. Successful writers have a particular mindset, which you are probably working hard to reject. You need a new mindset.


Just because many stories fit this pattern doesn't mean every story does

You're missing the point we repeatedly keep trying to make. Every successful story follows this pattern because the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State is an expression of what story IS; how story is structured; it is an expression of story law. Every story performs a range of functions in a specific order. It MUST do.


I'm shocked to see that concept X isn't mentioned here!

Please expand:


Why this pattern?

Every story performs a range of functions in a specific order. It MUST do. The 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State is an expression of that, an expression of story law.


What do you mean by story law? Why do I have to jump through hoops?

To tell a story effectively and successfully, there are certain functions you must perform - it's related to transformation, arc, theme and so on. The 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State is an expression of these laws. The most successful movies and bestselling novels definitely, without doubt, indisputably follow follow this framework - they ALL take their characters on a journey through a new world or new state in a consistent, process driven manner, where transformation and capacities result in resolution of the initial imperfection. I've tried to show this by deconstructing all the Academy Award winner best films. If this is your field, then you MUST understand this pattern.

Please watch the video:



How does this apply to a series or TV episodes?

Each story in the series follows the process, and the whole series arc follows the process.


How does this apply to sitcoms?

Each story follows the process, functions are performed within a limited set of locations or angles.



Is this a formula?

It's a pattern which you need to be familiar with and the framework that all successful writers use to extrapolate an idea (even if they don't use these particular labels and terms). It guides the process of transformation, attachment, detachment, liberation etc, it reveals the process of unfolding a story, it shows you how to turn an idea into a story, it shows you how to appeal to an audience (which have subconscious expectations), it's the structure upon which you lay your situation (you still have to create your worlds, characters and motivations etc), it's the road map that the novice writer is unconsciously trying to find.


I disagree that this framework applies to EVERY story!

Fine (take our Open Challenge). But if you know anything about story at all, you will know that it applies to the vast majority of successful hollywood movies and bestselling fiction novels. Simply from that point of view, you need to get your head around it.





You speak too fast in your videos / I don't understand terms and references

Some people have told us that they've watched ALL of them (there are hundreds!), so they can't be that hard to understand. The youtube videos are quick, rough, messy demonstrations there just to show you that the movie follows the framework. They become easier to understand and follow once you get your head around the terms and concepts. If you're going to spend any time writing screenplays, novels, plays, making movies, this is something you will HAVE to do.


I don't like the cookie cutter approach

All Academy Award Winners follow the framework, so you can't accuse it of producing same-shape cookies.


Does this apply to short stories?

Yes. If you look carefully, you will always see transformation, new states, movement etc. The stages that are included or excluded depend on how you shake the jar. This process helps you roll out short stories quickly.


Can I write screenplays through stream of consciousness?

Stream of consciousness is good for generating ideas, but not ordering them. You need to understand how successful screenplays are ordered.


It discourages originality

The word "originality" implies a complete break with the past, which is never the case (it only seems so). Most of which seems original is a cumulative and incremental evolution of that which has been before. And it often only seems original to those with an untrained eye.

Every Academy Award Winner / nominee has followed this pattern, those stories can hardly be described as unoriginal.


Same structure = same, boring stories

All Academy Award Winners follow the framework. So you can't accuse it of producing boring stories.


3/4/5/8/9/22 etc ACTS / sequences / beats etc

All these potentially work. They're just methods of sectioning the cycle.


I heard you only need 2 Acts, not 3

Each act has particular function. "Beginning, middle and end" is not an arbitrary expression.

There are solid reasons behind a third act, the first act involves pulling away from the Ordinary Self, the second act involves becoming the New Self and the third act involves pulling away from the New Self and merging the Ordinary with the New to become a Mature Self. When you enter Act II you are not ready, when you exit Act II you are ready. Within Act II, limitations to your return exist, exiting Act II, limitations to the return are overcome. You transcend out of Act II physically or psychologically, but the work isn't complete. There are many more reasons why a third act is wise. It is your duty, as a writer, to comprehensively understand what a third act is all about and what functions need to be performed within it.


Why must every story be a hero's journey?

The hero's journey is simply a set of labels which describe a set of functions. It's not that the story is a hero's journey, but that those underlying functions must be performed in a certain order. Some functions must exist (physical, story laws). Others add to story potency.

Also, use deductive reasoning. On a simple level, if there is movement out of an ordinary state, there must be a new state, if there is a new state, then there must be a first threshold etc.

If it helps, lose the words "hero" and "journey" ; think of it as a story rolling out process.


What is hero's journey?

Most people's concept of hero's journey is completely inaccurate. When they hear those words, they think of some altruistic "hero" such as SUPERMAN who goes on a journey, such as LORD OF THE RINGS and finally ends up making the world a safer place.

But think of hero's journey as a large set of functions that can be performed as you tell your story. The functions communicate specific messages. Do that and you take out the "altruistic hero" dimension and see that it applies to all archetypes, be they good or bad, hero or not. Do that and you take out the male vs female dimension, you see that it is gender independent. Do that and you see that the functions can be assigned to various archetypes/characters, hence it applies to ensembles. Do that and you begin to see that it is genre independent, the functions are applied whether you are writing a romcom or a western. Do that and you begin to see how it applies to all story types, you're just implementing some or all of a range of functions. Do that and the fog clears.

Think of it as a large set of functions, which are performed as your archetypes journey through new worlds and transform themselves and those worlds. It's a problem resolution process. Misconceptions of the hero's journey abound - we have added some misconceptions and corrections to a blog here or here.


Start with a theme?

Theme really can help design everything (if you study this, you'll see how). And story structure is the process of rolling out theme.

Some writers start with a theme, some find it as they go along. Some writers don't work to theme, but it's there in the limitations, the arc, the movement, the letting go etc.


What about subplots?

Subplots are externalization arcs of the progress. To really understand subplots, you have to understand the progress process.

You insert the appropriate archetype and transform the character/relationship as you journey.

For example, one potential betrayal scenario:

For example, one potential romance scenario:


Why is one hero so special anyway?

This misunderstands the process; the hero is a focal point, representative of The Process and The Changing and many individuals or groups go through the process. For example, in The Incredibles (2004), the whole family goes through the process. In Little Miss Sunshine (2006), the whole family goes through the process. A pair is also common (Thelma and Louise (1991), When Harry met Sally (1989) etc)


The hero is always a dude.

The process is gender independent. See Heroine's Journey


It's cheesy as hell.

All of the greatest stories (past and present) are based on it; it's only cheesy if told or executed improperly and this is often the result of a lack of understanding of the process.


A lot of myths are shoehorned into the hero's journey.

So what? The myths are all examples to illustrate certain points, metaphors, symbolisms etc. Even with all these examples most people don't really understand it. In the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State, we use hundreds of examples from modern film and we are constantly being asked for more.


It confuses personal growth with solving problems.

This criticism is itself a confusion. Smaller problems may not require personal growth, some larger problems do require it, personal growth is a transformation and this process defines that journey.

The hero's journey is a hollywood construct

It applies to all the greatest stories past and present, to films, novels, plays, theatre and all story forms. If you analyse successful stories before the age of cinema, as we have done, you will find that they all follow the pattern intricately. Shakespeare used this pattern. The stories in the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, the Vedas and the other great religious texts use this template. It's not about a construct, it roots to physical and psychological laws.


Conclusion to criticisms

None of the criticisms we have ever come across are valid and demonstrate a frightening lack of understanding. Almost without exception, criticisms are made by individuals with a very poor understanding of screenwriting, storytelling, transformation, the Hero's Journey, creativity and creative writing.

Buy the 2100+ stage Hero's Journey And Transformation Through A New World / State